Ashoka Schools
What Sets Ashoka Preschool Apart

What Sets Ashoka Preschool Apart

Love, respect, and care for each child

Love, respect, and care for each child

We personalize the content making learning meaningful for each child. Special attention is given to the child’s learning style & interests such that learning is seamlessly weaved with play to make it holistic and relevant for each child.

Under the CACOON (Continuous And Collaborative Observation Orientated Nurturing) project behavioral, sensory, preferred learning styles and developmental milestones of every child are observed and recorded. CACOON is further linked with the lesson planning of our educators. The inferences of the observations in CACOON give a clear picture of individuals’ preferred learning styles, which are taken care of during designing activities for Activity Based Learning in our student-centric classrooms.

Transparency and open communication with the parents

Transparency and open communication with the parents

Considering parents as the key stakeholders, the Ashoka group believes in working closely with the family. Our Adoption Calling and Mother Teacher approach ensures personalized and nurturing education. Through Adoption Calling, class educators establish continuous communication with parents via monthly calls, sharing insights on each child's progress and development. The Mother Teacher concept assigns a dedicated teacher to informally adopt all class children, creating a familial bond and strengthening the student-teacher-parent relationship.

Focus on the 21st century skills and the 4Cs

Focus on the 21st century skills and the 4Cs

Developing 21st-century skills is not only important for student's future success in the job market but also in their personal lives. By developing these skills, students become better problem-solvers and decision-makers

The 21st-century learning skills are often called the 4 C's: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating. These skills help students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond.

Specially designed group activities encourage cooperation between the children without competition and nurture their teamwork around goals and joint tasks. These activities encourage thinking and creativity and develop the imagination. This learning takes place mostly through intrinsic motivation, experience, and enjoyment.

Well-researched and specially designed global curriculum

Well-researched and specially designed global curriculum (eclectic approach)

Research-based content that combines the best teaching-learning practices to make learning application-based. It gives children a solid foundation to transition into any academic board at the high school level.

Research & Development team

Research & Development team

A specially trained and appointed Research and Development cell to constantly research, innovate, and incorporate global trends in preschool education.